Providing Affordable Fresh Organic Produce

CORE Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) Program: Fresh, Local Produce from Turtle Creek Gardens


2020 CORE CSA brochure Eng.jpg

CORE El Centro collaborates with Turtle Creek Gardens to provide boxes of organic, farm-fresh, seasonal produce every-other week throughout the growing season! Thanks to a grant from Kohls and American Cancer Society, we are able to apply our normal sliding scale for services to the price of the produce boxes in order to make them affordable for our clients!

ENROLLING SOON for discounted CSA boxes for 2022!!!

Members pick up their boxes at CORE El Centro every other Thursday (Time TBD) from June 16th through Oct 20.

Registration Deadline for the first delivery: Friday June 10th, 2022

What is in a box?

6-8 different types of fruits and/or vegetables at every delivery

Examples of seasonal produce your box may contain (varies due to weather and harvest conditions):

  • June: asparagus, spinach, lettuce, strawberries, broccoli, Chinese cabbage, green onions, radishes

  • July: cucumber, radishes, kale, beets, lettuce, fresh onions, broccoli, summer squash, green beans

  • August: tomatoes, peppers, lettuce, eggplant, summer squash, melon, carrots, beans, onions, beets

  • September: potatoes, cabbage, tomatoes, garlic, peppers, cauliflower, lettuce, carrots, broccoli

  • October: carrots, potatoes, winter squash, pie pumpkin, garlic, storage onions, spinach, kale, red or green cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower

✥ About TCG:

At Turtle Creek Gardens, we are proud to grow high quality, nutritionally dense, seasonal vegetables using sustainable farming practices that care for the soil, groundwater, and adjacent natural areas.

TCG is Certified Organic by the USDA and Midwest Organic Services Association (MOSA). We use no synthetic fertilizers, pesticides, or herbicides. Our farm is nestled in the Turtle Creek Watershed, just north of Delavan, in southeastern Wisconsin.

✥ Our Partnership:

TCG and CORE piloted the first CSA program for CORE in 2017, collaborating to customize boxes and payment plans to meet the food preferences and needs of our community. Along with CORE’s gardening and nutrition education programs, the CSA program is designed to grant access to affordable organic produce, empowering our community to take ownership and responsibility for its own healing.

Why enroll?

When you join a CSA, you form a community that supports local food and local farms.

As a CSA member, you receive a box of organic, farm-fresh, seasonal produce—vegetables and fruits—every-other week throughout the growing season.

Eating with the seasons means you are consuming foods that grow in Wisconsin and near the time of harvest--a tastier and more nutritious way to eat.

If you qualify, CORE El Centro is able to apply our normal sliding scale to the price of the box to reduce the price for you!